Technical inspections and servicing, repair of railway engines and carriages
Railway Vehicles Service is one of the most developing businesses and offers congeneric overhaul of the rolling stock not only in Poland but also in cross-border cities in Germany, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
About us
Railway Vehicles Service is one of the most developing businesses and offers congeneric overhaul of the rolling stock not only in Poland but also in cross-border cities in Germany, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Our company has got essential infrastructure and is able to repair and do technical overview of any railway engine.
We offer comprehensive services and railway maintenance. What is more we
repair freighters and carriages. All our staff and inspectors are well- qualified and our service points are equipped with the necessary materials and tools for effective execution of orders.
Certyfikat (ECM – Entity in
Charge of Maintenance)
We have a Certificate (ECM – Entity in Charge of Maintenance) issued by the President of the Railway Transport Office, No. PL/31/0020/0001, which is responsible for maintenance covering freight wagons.
Our offer:
SERWIS POJAZDÓW KOLEJOWYCH has been providing repairs to current freight and passenger cars for many years. Mobile service points are located in Poland. They are equipped with cars, thanks to which they can make repairs anywhere in the country and in border towns.
Since 2010, SERWIS POJAZDÓW KOLEJOWYCH has been making comprehensive repairs and periodic inspections of both diesel and electric locomotives in many places throughout the country. Its offer includes service points equipped with the infrastructure necessary to perform periodic inspections and emergency repairs.
We lift loaded wagons on the tracks
In every place. We have:
We have branches
throughout Poland:
With the development and equipment we have, our branches including the mobile unit are now located throughout Poland. We are able to provide services in almost every region of Poland.
(Choose on the map which branch you would like to connect with)